Web 2.0 Design Generators For Developers
If you are a busy web developer that also need to work on the interface, here is a handy list of online tools to help you save time and effort creating nice graphics for your sites or apps.
- – Fully featured button creator allowing you to customize colour, gradation type, stripe, filter, image, and of course text.
- – Another Button generator with a big range of different style buttons
My Cool Button – Simple and easy to use button generator
AJAX Loading image
- – simple generate ajax loading gif
AJAX loading Gif generator – another similar service
- – very very cool Badges creator with a big selection
Fresh Badge – Another Simpler Badge generator
QuickRibbon – Online Ribbon Generator with a very well implemented interface
Website Ribbon Generator – a basic ribbon creator
BgPatterns – A well implemented pattern generator with a wide range of pattern.
Stripe Generator 2.0 – Generate seamless striped background images
Color Schemes
Kuler – A sophisticated Color Scheme generator by Adobe. You can even share and explore with others.
- – A very simple colour picker
Other Random Tools
- LogoCreator – just generat simple logo
- Reflection Maker – A little tool for all your reflection needs!
- – Create a Tab for you ( You should already know how to do this … )
- RoundedCornr – A rounded corner generator ( You should already know how to do this too … )
- 3DPackage Online – Create a 3D-box images online
- - Create passwords that means something to you
- Bullshitr – A Web 2.0 Bullshit generator is good for a laugh
- Web 2.0 Name Generator – well the name said it all
I hope this list is useful to you. If you know other cool tools, do leave a commment!
Comments so far
Try also all the generators at http://www.grsites.com (buttons, logos, menu, text boxes, backgrounds, …)
http://www.colr.org is another handy color scheme generator
Excellent! Thanks a lot!
Quickribbon caused an anti-virus alert with me. Not sure if this is serious.
And downloadsquat says:
QuickRibbon is an online tool that allows users to plug in a few choices and get a nifty … This ribbon has a troian virus inside attention …
Great tips for web 2.0 freaks
Thanks for great list. Here another generator: http://www.reflectz.net
excellent list. bookmarked for future reference. THx,
hh.. luv it
best online web 2.0 generator => http://www.kingstyles.com
I hope these sites are fruitful for the effort of visiting them. It would be really nice to creating all those graphics while saving time. Thanks
I’m a newb, thank you for the help.
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